Training and coaching for your personal wealth building and the related tax planning
with focus on the 20% of the choices which will deliver 80% of your expected results
You are in charge of growing your personal wealth – equipped with the right knowledge and coaching
In the Netherlands it is becoming more important to take care of your own financial freedom. This is even more important as the Dutch government demands an ever increasing part of your income and your wealth via many taxes, now and in future. The same government also keeps increasing your pension age, and keeps reducing your pensions. Taking care yourself of your own financial freedom, also taking tax impacts and fiscal options into account, is today more important than ever.
For more than 10 years the effective overall tax burden has been increased for most people. There is no end to this yet, as many multi-year tax increases has already been set by the government. Making up your mind about your current reality and context, to make the right choices for managing your personal wealth, right for you, is key.
80 20 Financial Freedom won’t advise you regarding your decisions for your wealth management, and won’t offer any financial products either. This is all about your own choices, where I can provide you with relevant knowledge and coaching to help your decision making. The recommended book “Think for Yourself – Restoring Common Sense in an Age of Experts and Artificial Intelligence” illustrates very well how important it is to make your own decisions, instead of outsourcing your decisions to ‘experts’.

Take care of your own future by growing your personal wealth,
also by making optimal use of the tax laws, to establish your financial freedom.

The Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.
80 20 Financial Freedom is all about applying Pareto to focus only on the key decisions – specific for your situation – to successfully grow your wealth, with confidence.
With this approach you can take the right actions, without being distracted by the many suppliers of financial and investment products. Together we will ensure you have a full understanding of what really matters for you, taking the complexity out of the wealth building landscape.

80 20 Financial Freedom offers training and coaching for building your personal wealth, in the context of your personal financial and tax planning. My goal is to provide, based on your situation and your knowledge regarding wealth building and tax laws, fit-for-purpose personal training and coaching, to best prepare you to manage your own wealth building.
I offer no financial advice, and I also don’t sell any financial product. There is no lack of suppliers of financial advice and financal products, and it may be difficult to find your way here. With the training and coaching which I offer, you are beter prepared to approach these suppliers, if you are considering their products.

In a joint effort we can consider whether (further) wealth building would be relevant for you. If so, we can consider which choices you have in establishing your wealth building program, and in how far you could benefit from additional knowledge regarding wealth building.
Of course I can also be of help to you in the further implementation of the choices you made. Last but not least I can also assist you in your tax planning to make optimal use of the Dutch tax laws in building your wealth (without becoming your tax advisor and without preparing your returns to the tax authorities).

The 80 20 Financial Freedom approach is fully individual for you and your partner (if you have one). Only in this way fit-for-purpose training and coaching is assured.
We will bring clarity in matters which may appear complex – to end with a limited set of important, clear options.
Based on this understanding, you can make responsible choices on how to best build your wealth over the years.
“After my decision to make use of the early retirement arrangement that my former employer provided, I found with Edo an independent and reliable sounding board that helped me to better formulate my financial goals and define a fit for purpose financial action plan.
With his support I was able to map out my (real) financial risks and opportunities and follow up with the right mitigation and action that now makes me feel financially healthy, in control and prepared for the future.
I perceived Edo his coaching style as pleasant and to the point, where he always kept me in the driving seat to make sure that for the years to come (potentially with some of Edo his help) I will be able to maintain and execute my own financial goals and action plan. “
Financially independent and satisfied individual at Zoetermeer (NL)
“After having rented for many year, our son finally found an affordable house to buy in The Hague. Since he is a starter in the housing market, this instantly brought up the issue of how to best finance his considerable acquisition and whether there are opportunities to support him as parents. After some research on the internet, we quickly discovered that these matters are pretty complex, especially when considering the detailed fiscal implications. Could we donate certain amounts tax-free, is a family or bank mortgage a better option than a private loan, how do you ensure all kids are treated fairly and equally, etc.
So we decided to approach Edo for some professional coaching and he came back within a day with a series of thought provoking questions. The most striking one was: “What exactly is it that you want to achieve for yourselves and for your children?” Great question and this forced us to formulate our goal as precisely as we could and then suddenly all the pieces fell into place! We also used Edo’s financial expertise to dive into the details and filled in the remaining blanks.
Edo has shown to be a master in asking the right questions and some of those were so provoking that they pushed us out of our comfort zones. This proved to be exactly what we needed to put everything in the right perspective.
In the end, we have made a decision and with the great help of Edo’s structured approach, we now have reached the calm mindset of having made a good, well balanced and carefully considered financial decision.“
Family H&D, The Hague
To summarize, I would appreciate to be of help to you with training and coaching for personal wealth building, to establish your financial freedom.

Wilhelminastraat 2
2991 BV Barendrecht
Office phone: +31 180 234 000
Mobile phone: +31 6 234 108 18
80 20 Financial Freedom provides training and coaching regarding personal wealth building and the related tax planning.
The training and coaching is available for income from employment, including owning your own ZZP business and including a home that you live in and own, (‘tax box 1’) as well as for income from your assets (such as cash, bank deposits, real estate, and investments) (‘tax box 3’).
Training and coaching is not available for income from BV / NV business ownership (‘tax box 2’).
Following services are not provided:
- Advice for financial products
- Sales of financial products
- Investment advice
- Tax advice
- Wealth management
- Preparing and filing of tax returns
Legal structure: Sole proprietorship
Chamber of Commerce registration 69213771
General Terms and Conditions, registered with the Chamber of Commerce (only available in Dutch):
Algemene Voorwaarden 80 20 Financial Freedom
Information regarding General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) / Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG):
Privacy Statement (only available in Dutch):
AVG Privacy Verklaring 80 20 Financial Freedom
Records of Processing Activities (only available in Dutch):
AVG Register van verwerkingsactiviteiten 80 20 Financial Freedom